
26 February 2013

Released LibreOffice 4.0 Japanese DVD ver 0.2

We handed out DVD which we distributed iso image here in LibreOffice Japan mini Conference 2013. We corrected clip arts, templates, fonts, extensions, configuration , useful gradation which provided by Mr.Meguro then putted all together.

We also customized a little bit msi file so automatically install useful stuff rightly if you choose customized msi file on this DVD.

note:There is LibreOffice-Portable too but it may not work on DVD .you can use it if you copy directory from DVD which already configured for Japanese user.

Try it and feedback me.



  • Zoho :  25/Feb/2013 にフィードバックを送信
  • Google Drive : 26/Feb/2013 にフィードバックを送信
  • Apache OpenOffice: i93534 , i74069 を確認
  • LibreOffice : #40100 を確認

25 February 2013

OpenDocument interoperability test workshop(demo) in Japan

First LibreOffice Local Conference has been done yesterday. It is first conference even if we add our days.That is really meaningful. Reviler may be say that this community is still small but we know we did which we were not able to do before.Our Community is growing and growing.

I am really really happy to spending time with all of them. I appreciated to all of the people who made that conference especially Mr. Omori and Mr. Ogasawara who arranged. The Document Foundation Board of Directors Mr. Italo who came beyond space and time through the technology. Mr. Kohei Yoshida, He brought real core-developer voices from U.S . A half of members live over 500km far from that place but came .
Thank you for wonderful day and Let us do International Conference someday.

You can see videos from  here (add 6/3/2012).

On that conference, I described OpenDocument , ODF Plugfest and explain interoperability test. I wanted to do workshop style interoperability test but only few people have laptop so just demonstration with Mr.Ogasawara and Mr.Kamataki who is NPO Users Group Japan director . We picked up test YEARFRAC function which provide by Mr.Rob in ODF Plugfest (Spain) 2010-04-09 .
unfortunately the results of test are not all green. see results from page 25. We need to recheck that expected value and result.( result summary: LibreOffice/Apache OpenOffice/Google Drive/Zoho have some fault. KOffice/GnomeOffice/MS Office have not any fault.)

Check issue tracker and Feedback

It is not finish yet. Our goal is to get real interoperability. First step, I reported pure results to two cloud services and searched two issue tracker.

  • Zoho : Reported 25/Feb/2013
  • Google Drive : Reported 26/Feb/2013
  • Apache OpenOffice: i93534 , i74069
  • LibreOffice : #40100

24 February 2013

LibreOffice4.0 Japanese DVD

LibreOffice Japan mini Conference 2013で配布したDVDのISOを公開します。

このLibreOffice 4.0 Japanese DVDでは、インストーラーを弄って



日本初? OpenDocument 相互運用テストワークショップ

昨日、LibreOffice mini Conference  2013  Japan /Springにおいて、OpenDocumentの紹介、ODF Plugfestの紹介ならびにOpenOffice.org日本ユーザー会の鎌滝さん、LibreOffice日本語チームの小笠原さんの協力の元、OpenDocument形式の相互運用テストワークションプ・デモをした。

題材として、2010年にODF Plugfestで行われた YEARFRAC 数式のテストを利用した。この数式は、OASIS ODF 1.2で規定されたものである。会場では、Calligra、Gnumeric、SkyDrive、LibreOfficeで実際に試験データを読み込み結果を確認した。


10 February 2013

LibreOffice Portableの覚書

LibreOffice Portableは、持ち運び可能なLibreOfficeである。USBストレージやCDに入れておけば持ち運んでどこでも利用できる。これをセットアップしてみた。

  1. 作業用のフォルダ作成
  2. LibreOfficePortableを 展開
  3. フォント

  4. JRE
  5. 拡張機能
  6. 設定